Atheists and double standards
Disclaimer: I am not a staunch Hindu. I do not believe in rituals. I do not pray to God using hymns which I don’t understand. I have never asked anyone to pray with me or even just pray. I believe every religion is made by man, every religious book is thought and written by a human. Finally I do believe in God.
I have met a lot of atheists, many of whom belong to my state, Tamilnadu. My state has been one of the important grounds where atheism grew and flourished. All the Dravidian parties have atheism as their main ideal (atleast that’s what they say!). Famous and powerful reformers and political leaders right from “Perriyar” to our thatha “Karunanidhi” have blatantly said that he who believes in God is a fool. I am quite ok till this point. Since their main focus and reasoning against God is the practice of foolish rituals and practices, they do make sense. But after this point I am not able to find a common ground. Even if I assume it makes political sense, why do they only target Hinduism for this. Is it because hindus won’t throw bombs or burn the country down if anything is said against their religion? No, I am not a supporter of BJP or RSS. So, stop thinking along political lines. I heard that atheists have put up a banner in front of a temple (not sure which one, heard this long time back!) saying “You are fool to believe in God”. Not sure when they will do that in front of a mosque or a church. Coalition with muslim league is secular (both atheists and communists say this!) but when you go to the other side it is religious right. My own cousin is an upright atheist. He easily criticizes every hindu festival that is being celebrated in his house. But when it comes to his friends who are muslims or Christians - a stunning silence. Take for example the famous movie “Anbhey sivam” by Kamal Hassan. Apart from showing Nasser a staunch hindu being a bad man, they could have shown a muslim and Christian also doing bad things against him. But hell no…what you see is a Christian nun helping him when he is wounded. The lyrics, “Aathigam pesum adiyar kelam , sivame anbhagum, nathigam pesum nalavruko anbhey sivamagum”. How are believers in God are wrong, mislead and selfish people with no love, whereas all atheists are incarnation of goodness? When I think on a personal level what atheism and theism means to me or differs from my point of view, I see little difference.