Rich means evil..what a load of crap
I read the review about the tamil movie anniyan on
jagan's blog. I have not seen the movie so I am not going to comment upon that. But, jagan had mentioned that the highlighting concept of that movie was rich means evil. How come? It is quite disturbing. Well, it is quite true that you can become rich easily by exploiting poor people etc etc. But not all rich people are evil. When someone makes a statement like that he should think very clearly. I am in US now and it is quite possible that eventually I might be settling down in India "rich". So I become evil? I know how my dad started his life. There was not enough food in the house for the next meal. If his family has come up to this level, then it reflects upon his hardwork. So all of a sudden these neo-robinhood comes and tells me "You areEVIL". Bullshit. Money is the greatest invension mankind has ever made after fire and wheel. To say money is bad is stupidity and outright hypocrite. I see this trend everywhere. May be all the CEO of companies, all the top level managers, all the decision makers and policy makers should quit and replaced by the poor of the people and may be the world will be fair for these people then. I am thinking of a strike, all the the heads of all the organizations, all the decision makers, all the multinational CEO should probably go on a strike. People should read Ayn Rand.