Sunday, May 09, 2004

Some thoughts about American torture of Iraqi prisoners

In the past few days, I have read a lot of posts about the Americans torturing Iraqi prisoners. The outrage felt by Arabs, entire Muslim community and even other non-westerners clearly shows how the world opinion goes in this issue. On the other hand, most of these people who are angry and outraged come from nations where there is a blatant disregard for human rights. So, if these people are so angry they better mend themselves also. Yet, America and whole of the so called allies for the "War on Terror" are at fault. The single main reason - the western nations consider themselves the example of human rights and epitome of compassion and love. If they were what they claim, then these incidents should never have happened. It is for this single reason - the lie they sell to the world, that, they should be made answerable. Taliban never claimed to be the champion of human rights, so even if the atrocities committed by them cannot be accepted, can surely be expected. Further on these lines, if I consider these actions by the allied army in Iraq as racism, then I am also thinking in some other direction. If my country India were to be in the position of US commanding world respect and fear, if Americans come to my country for jobs, if my country were to be considered the economic power house of the world, how much of the atrocities that we Indians charge against west be repeated by ourselves. Will we treat the people coming, say from poor African countries or other Asian countries with respect? I guess no. Even among ourselves, there is so much of discrimination irrespective of religion, education or wealth. In short, I guess, most of us forget to love others and realize that it is others who make this beautiful world we live. We refuse to share what is rationally common to all. It is stupid to blame any nation, religious group, or race for the problems of the world. I think each of us should look into ourselves and judge how far we would fare if we were put into the situations like those people we see in the news.
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