Myrna Lamb
This lady is an interesting character. She is a feminist and my best friend at store. She is a playwriter. She said she started writing plays at the age of 8. Comes under the "way above genius" category. I told her that I am leaving in about 3 weeks. Next day she came to me and said she is very distressed. Of all the conversations I had in that store, those few minutes that I speak with her makes most sense to me. Like the other day when she was talking about drugs, I told drugs erase the past and future and makes you live only in the present. To that she replied, "You are very right. Without past and future there is not context for the present". Well if i had told this to anyone else , at the best they might have said drugs are bad. But her reply indicated that she clearly understood the exact meaning of what I said. Felt very happy that day, simply because, I made a two line conversation which had some intellectual character in it. I have a book of her which I am planning to read after leaving jersey. By the way, she has promised me that if she wins the lottery she will fund my education (she is quite serious about this, got my address and phone number).
For those of who happen to read this, if you are curious....she is around 75 years old.