I read
this article of Arundhadhi roy today. A very touching reality which would shake anyone with a decent mind. I agree with her completely on the atrocities that were committed on Gujarat and elsewhere in the name of hindu nationalism. It does not make sense to kill people to propagate the so called "hindurashra" which I personally think is a nonsense. On the same lines, Something else also popped up in my mind. State sponsored terrorism - then the government which was elected by the people did what the people (at least in this case majority) wanted to be done. It is definitely wrong, but why in the first place such hatred, such mindless anger come over so many people. As she had pointed it out, the attrocities that were committed were planned well in advance, meaning some time back. Time is a relative quantity. If I put this incident in a time scale of several hundred years against another scale consisting of all the different races of the world, things fall into a slightly different perspective. These type attrocities were committed by every race, follwing every type of religion- hinduism, christianity, Islam etc., covering every time period we could think of. Every country, every nation stands guilty. The struggle that people like Arundhati roy are undertaking has been undertaken by every kind of moderates over all the time periods. Infact I believe it will continue in the futue also. We can never attain something called world peace. I think we have in us an innate ability to hurt others and destroy. I think it is also natural for us to do this since I myself have been so dull witted so many times. Is this all an excuse to whatever bad that is happening - no. Things are as they are and may be as they should be. I dont want to get involved in this. I think my duty to would be to bring a shirt on the back of a shirtless, food to the hungry and home to the the homeless. I cannot fight against or even worry about the evils of the world. I simply cannot, I lack the mental will power and strength to do that. But if You ask me help others, then I can do something about it.