The Deed is Done
Yes. It is finally done. I mean my thesis presentation. However, it is only part of the job, though a big chunk. I still have to submit my thesis write-up. The problem at this stage is that none of the comittee members have read my thesis. So, only when I submit they would sign my form II. But, then I stopped worrying about all this. I think it is time that I let the problems solve themselves. I am tired of fighting for them. The reason I say this is, I have to get my thesis and my form II in the Dean's office by friday this week, else I have to register for two more credit hours. I think air ticket to India will be cheaper than going for 2 credit hours and I am mentally prepared for such a situation. I think for a change I am going to let my proff. deal with all this mess. And adding flavor to all this, my I20 has expired as on september 15th.