Despite the strange premonitions that present themselves for my consideration I am going dedicate this paragraph describing myself , and thereby bless this blog site. I am Aravind Sankaran, Graduate student in University of Missouri Rolla. I am from India, sothern part of India from a metropolis called chennai (old name madras). For those who love statistics, the population of my city is higher than the entire population of state Missouri. I am slightly reserved (some call if I care), average intelligence, average skills, average looks...hmmmm..ok I do look good, dark and handsome. Interests: Music: classical, Films: which makes sense, Sports: Any individual accomplishment sport, food: south indian, mexican and Italian, dance: any thing that I can try, favorite persons: my parents and sister, first love : books, second love : well..lets talk about that later, author : Ayn Rand..and enuf of this i guess , i am bored........